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What does an SEO Manager do

Prerequisites, Competences and Tasks

A Search Engine Optimization (SEO) manager is responsible for planning, implementing, and controlling all actions that bring the company website to the top of the search engine ranking. What makes a SEO planner 

And what skills are necessary to succeed as an SEO manager? ALPHAJUMP tells you.

Job as SEO Manager - Working in Search Engine Optimization

What makes a SEO Manager and what skills and competencies are necessary to be successful as an SEO Manager in the job? The tasks include all measures to make the company website appear as high as possible in the ranking of the search engines.


SEO Manager: Definition

Training & Requirements


Salary and earnings



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1. Definition "SEO Manager"

SEO is the abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization and is translated with search engine optimization. The name is in this case also program, because as SEO manager one is responsible for making the company website appear in the ranking of the search engines as far as possible. Experience has shown that when searching online through Google, Bing and Co., only the results on the first page are usually taken into account. Thus, measures to improve the natural placement and thus the findability of one's own website in comparison with the competition have become more and more important in recent years.

In many cases, search engine optimization is also a sub-discipline of online marketing, as the measures are used specifically to draw attention to one's own website and thus to increase earnings in the long term. To do so, the SEO Manager first examines and analyzes current trends and online practices in order to develop a strategy based on these results. This helps to better rank the search results. The goal here is to cleverly choose the keywords, also called keywords, to guide future customers to their own website during the online search and to imply a buying process. Analysis tools help the SEO Manager to have an overview of the data and to optimize the strategies in the on-page and off-page area.

The profession of SEO Manager is also often referred to as an SEO Specialist or Search Engine Optimizer. Related names with a focus on marketing and advertising are SEA (Search Engine Advertising) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing)

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2. Which requirements and competences are necessary for the job as SEO Manager?

In order to carry out the profession of the SEO manager, some competences are indispensable. A strong affinity for the topics of the Internet, technology and programming skills are required, beyond this knowledge in the popular content management systems also have an advantageous effect. Since these topics are very fast-paced, a steady commitment to this additional requirement is the SEO Manager. In order to develop an effective ranking strategy and to generate statistics accordingly, an analytical thinking and a high affinity to numbers are indispensable. The implementation of these also requires experience in project management and a goal-oriented approach as well as organizational skills.

For the content classification of the topics a commercial understanding and competences in the area of ​​marketing are also necessary. Also editorial skills for the creation of the texts should be brought along. These are often demanded in the presentations, so that in addition to their own communication skills should be mature. As an interface between the external service providers and the marketing department, flexibility and teamwork are required to bring different topics in line.

2.1 Training as SEO Manager:

The necessary school skills are often achieved by further education on the basic courses in the field of IT and marketing, since a direct training as SEO Manager in the form does not yet exist. Since 2018, however, there is the training occupation "specialist in e-commerce", this training brings very competent SEO's. Due to the high level of technology and Internet content changes, they need to be constantly updated to continue delivering good results.

Also an academic education can be a way to SEO Manager. Through a communication or IT study you can get one step closer to your goal.

Overview - Career SEO Manager


Overview - Career SEO Manager

2.2 Competences Must:

Technical and Internet affinity

programming skills

Analytical mindset

marketing knowledge

Presentation techniques & statistics

2.3 Competences Can:

organizational skills

good English knowledge

Handling CMS

Editorial experience

Considerable communication ability

Customer-oriented way of working

Resilience & flexibility

3. What tasks does an SEO Manager have?

The tasks of a SEO Manager are designed to increase the traffic on your own website and to promote your own content and also to increase the advertising revenue. To achieve this, two sub- disciplines have to be fulfilled: on-page and off-page optimization . The former includes all measures relating to the contents of its own website. This includes above all a relevant content creation and the optimization of the page layout. The task of the SEO Manager is to analyze keywords and incorporate them into the content. In the off-page optimization, links to other websites are created next to increase their own awareness.

Tasks - Career SEO Manager


Tasks - Career SEO Manager

These are the tasks of a SEO Manager

Qualitative content creation

Analysis of keywords and internet trends

Strategy development for the integration of keywords and topic content

Evaluations (GoogeAnalytics, Piwik, etc.)

Off-page measures to increase traffic on the website

On-page - optimizations

Improvement of user-friendliness and structure optimization of web pages

The SEO Manager often cooperates with other companies to achieve greater success. Also minor quality checks such as the functionality of the website and links, as well as load times and bugs belong to the area of ​​responsibility. Which topics interest the user and which keywords are used? Corresponding answers are provided by means of optimization measures such as the adaptation of picture titles and the reformulation of texts.

The basics for these steps are already learned by an SEO Manager during the training.

In order to keep the hit rate high in the long term, it is important to regularly analyze the current search structures of the Internet users and to keep an eye on the websites of the competition. Accordingly, the SEO Manager has the task to develop campaigns for new keywords and to implement them in a timely manner.

Summary - Career SEO Manager:

SEO Manager - (Job / Job) from ALPHAJUMP

4. How much does a SEO Manager make?

SEO managers are in great demand, which is due to the competitive pressure of the competitors and the increasing importance to maintain good ranking results in the online search. Well-founded knowledge and experience in the online area help to raise the salary opportunities right at the beginning. In line with the breadth of the area of ​​responsibility, an SEO Manager can count on a starting salary of around EUR 30,000, which can increase to as much as EUR 60,000 as work experience and skills increase. Especially the classification of the importance of the SEO topic within the corporate identity of the company contributes significantly to the salary and is higher for Internet-based companies than in the agencies.

Here you will learn more about the starting salary and the salary development as SEO Manager.

5. How do I apply as a SEO Manager?

The job of the SEO Manager is still relatively young and therefore no concrete training or study directly prepares for the job. The basis is a study with a focus on marketing or computer science with corresponding training for the SEO area. If you already have experience in online marketing, this can also be the applicationbecause SEO managers are often in direct contact with the marketing sector and the search engine optimization measures are also geared towards increasing the revenue generated by website traffic. Frequently, newcomers from journalism also form the basis for a successful SEO manager due to the editorial tasks and the creation of the web content, if these competences have been supplemented by the SEO area. It is particularly important to show his enthusiasm and knowledge for online topics and to follow the latest trends. So you can not only convince yourself as an applicant to SEO Manager, but also to place the company's website in the ranking accordingly and to stand out from the competition.

Tips for applying to SEO Manager after training:

If you have already focused on the SEO Manager in your academic training and have concentrated on specific tasks, then put a special focus on the application as well. Concentrate in the application on what is good for you and the training content that you want to continue to deepen later.

Other professions in the marketing industry:

Marketing Manager

Online Marketing Manager

Social Media Marketing Manager

Performance Marketing Manager

marketing Officer

Content Manager

marketing assistant

Trainee in online marketing

Event Manager


PR Manager

Brand Manager

More tips and tricks for your application to SEO Manager:

ALPHAJUMP will show you how to write a convincing letter of motivation and an appealing CV . Here you will find everything about the topic application.

6. Conclusion

As you can see, the job of SEO Manager is very exciting. Below we have the most important information at a glance for you.

The SEO Manager have the task to bring the corporate website in the search engine ranking on page one. So he takes measures to improve the natural placement and findability of the website.

Suitable study programs can be found in business administration, economics, media management or marketing

Programming skills.

On average, 5-10 applicants apply for an advertised position.

SEO managers earn between 32,000 EUR and 62,000 EUR.

communication ideas

Also, in reality, there are many competitors in the product ideas that have been successfully introduced in the market. The market is expanding from this early point of success, but it is necessary to fight with the commutation, commodification that begins at the same time.

 In order to maintain the most important uniqueness linked to benefits, how to avoid commodification with "Communication Ideas" while upgrading "Product Ideas" and how to strengthen "Product Ideas" for follow-up products and services ... The marketer will play the role of .... Broadly speaking, understanding and empathy for "product ideas" is what creates the brand. It is not about creating a brand with "communication ideas".

Limitations of communication ideas

 If you have a large capital and sales force, if you can find a large existing market, you may be able to win with only basic benefits, even if you are weak. Even if the product is close to a commodity, it is a way to create a "communication idea" that allows customers to feel uniqueness and benefits, create a large media investment, and a place to experience and buy and win. Even if it is an originality that is difficult to recognize, it is possible to cultivate a brand by promoting 360-degree communication on a large scale by suppressing the shape and design of the package, naming, TV commercials, PR, digital measures, and retail stores.

 However, in reality, most companies and ventures do not have such large-scale resources, and I think that it is difficult to apply such a quantity strategy. Also, it is not easy to develop strong communication ideas. As a marketer, you will need some experience of trial and error, and it is very difficult to develop human resources for that. Even if you hire mid-career, it is a reality that there are not many people who meet your needs.

 If you ask an advertising agency, the difficulty remains the same. In the first place, for products with weak product ideas, devise good communication, and if you are throwing it to an advertising agency, there is no way it will lead to sales growth.

 Even in the market environment, products and services with weak uniqueness are becoming less and less usable. In the 80's, 90's, and 2000's, it was easy to get a lot of attention from the media and to talk about it on a daily basis, simply by appointing famous talents. When EC was in its early days and distribution was limited to stores, information distribution was also limited to four mass media, and the amount of information itself was small, so a slight difference (weak uniqueness) served as news to many customers Arrived.

 The smartphone spreads with the launch of the iPhone in 2007 as one opportunity, the volume of information distribution will increase dramatically, the route of information acquisition will also spread, and it will not be noticed in the "idea" there and will be buried in no time It became like this.

 A variety of new communication methods have been proposed focusing on the digital field, such as social marketing, influencer marketing, and buzz marketing, but without strong "product ideas", products and services will be widely disseminated in this way there is no. If you invest, the number of impressions and the number of plays will certainly increase and the information itself will seem to spread, but it will not lead to a big cognitive formation and purchasing. Even with 20 million impressions and 3 million views of the video, as far as I know, there aren't many cases that resulted in significant sales.

 These techniques are not a problem. However, just appealing the comparative advantage of products that are only relative value means that the era has become insufficient as a strategy. It was a time when the idea itself of benefits with uniqueness was questioned.

Importance of early cognitive formation

 I explained "product ideas" and "communication ideas" that are important in marketing, but there is one more important thing to success in marketing. It is early cognitive formation.

 Even if a product idea with strong uniqueness and strong benefits can be developed, it is often the case that the imitating followers lose the position and become a niche similar brand. Mercalli is also a late-on fleas app, and "skin lab" was also a late-on as a hyaluronic acid based lotion, but it gained early cognitive formation and became category No. 1.

 On the contrary, Smart News, Japan's first news app, debuted in the world with strong uniqueness and benefits and was accepted, followed by the recognition of the competition that appeared later, and stagnated as a niche brand in danger By the way.

 In various categories, many of the top brands are, in fact, generic products for their "product ideas". This fact illustrates the importance of cognitive formation speed.

 In many cases, you may not be able to sell because you can not make enough recognition, but you can often stop investment just because the apparent increase in sales has stopped. If you do not calmly decide whether the "product idea" itself has a problem or lack of cognition, it will mean picking up growth opportunities on your own.

 As an example of making a breakthrough by making use of the speed of cognitive formation, “Time Machine Management”, which Softbank has been doing, is famous. We will quickly identify strong "product ideas" that are emerging all over the world, develop them as our own service in Japan, and create recognition of that category before the main family enters Japan.

 In fact, we can see the same strategy in China. Although China, YouTube, Facebook, Amazon, and Twitter have not yet entered China, but Chinese companies such as Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent have developed similar services to monopolize China and their overwhelming profitability To acquire overseas companies and make inroads into the world. This is a result of the Chinese government's policy, "Because we can not enter internet services from abroad for defense reasons", and enable "time machine management" for Chinese companies. For Chinese people, Google, YouTube, Facebook, Amazon, and Twitter, all of which you see overseas, are nothing more than services you have seen in China.

 There are many similar cases other than digital ones. In the carbonated beverages market, Coca-Cola is the world's No. 1 in the world, but in the Middle East and in some Asian countries where the expansion was delayed, Pepsi Cola, which advanced early, formed recognition first, and it was long for No. 1 Has maintained its position. The overwhelming No. 1 McDonald's in the hamburger chain has similar experience in each country. In England, where the market has been delayed, a local hamburger chain called Wimpy has been overwhelmingly no. It was one. In England at the time, Wimpy is a delicious fast-food hamburger, and McDonald's was the weak second best of the product idea at the time of its expansion. McDonald's gradually took the lead with the subsequent massive investment and Wimpy's missteps, but the delay in the early hamburger chain's cognitive formation required a lot of investment and time.

 In other words, in addition to strong product ideas and communication ideas, it can be said that "early recognition formation with target customers" is the three elements of success (Figure 4). Also, from the viewpoint of followers, if you have products or services that are lagging behind in their recognition, while having excellent product ideas, develop products in-house and get recognition at once, take away categories. Is possible. From the point of view of the customer, regardless of whether it is a home marketer or not, the competitor who quickly formed recognition will dominate the category as a real thing, unless there is a special entry barrier such as patent technology or government regulation.

Marketing is essential

Marketing and branding differences

What is the role of marketing

The role of marketing is how to convey the image of a company's products and services. In terms of how to show your company's products and services, marketing is how to acquire potential customers.

Furthermore, it is considered that marketing is also useful not only for approaches to existing customers, but also for acquiring customers by creating and developing new markets.

What is the role of branding

Branding is directly related to increasing corporate value. Corporate value here means something that is difficult to represent with figures and money and can not be imitated by other companies.

For example, when the information that a new Toyota Prius is released is released, the reservation may be rushed. Consumers take these actions because they have an image of the company in the mind of the consumer.

Marketer focused marketing techniques

1. Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is a method that automates and streamlines the tasks that marketers used to work by introducing tools. In Japan, “Marquete”, which develops services worldwide, and “b → dash” of Fromm Scratch, Inc. have been introduced to companies.

2. Content Marketing

Content marketing is a marketing method that attracts users who are likely to be customers of their services by providing valuable articles and videos to customers on their service sites.

3. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a method to have influential individuals in SNS publicize their products. In general, there are many cases where you provide your own products and have them post product photos via SNS. In addition, in the case of an event etc., there is also a case to have you post about the situation of the day.

4. Omni Channel

Omni-channel is a retail approach that emphasizes connecting without interruption the channels that customers can buy. Specifically, it means a marketing method that connects TV, radio, catalogs, and DM to Internet shopping without interruption.

Marketing is essential in business

The difference between marketing definition and branding. And we have described the marketing methods that are attracting attention.

In modern business, it is difficult to carry out corporate activities without any marketing. In order to achieve the goals of the company, let's firmly engage in daily marketing activities.

What is the meaning of branding? Complete coverage of methods and success cases

Thanks! I am Nakae, a brand creator.

There are many people who say "What is branding?" And "How should I do branding?"

Especially in the current times, we can not think of business without ignoring the element of branding.

That's because now it is an age of over-choice that products and services with the same price, quality, functionality, etc. are everywhere, regardless of the industry.

For example, even if you select one hairdresser, you can connect to the Internet and you will find countless options.

And if you can not choose your own shop from the innumerable options, business can not be realized.

Branding is the ultimate method to get you to choose from the innumerable options.

If branding is done, customers will be able to choose because it is this company, because it is you.

Rather than price, features, quality, design, or concept, it is the strongest in the business that is chosen for this reason.

The reason for saying "Because this company" or "Because you" is not effective.

If you can brand,

It will not get caught in the price competition

I will not be troubled with attracting customers

Keep repeating

Business is stable and prosperous for a long time

Products and services will be sold at higher prices than market prices

Can be realized.

This time, I would like to thoroughly explain such branding, along with techniques and best practices, in just 7 minutes!

So let's get started!

Contents [hide]

1. With branding

1-1. Meaning of branding

1-2. A big misunderstanding about branding

2. Three values ​​required for branding

2-2. What is functional value

2-3. With emotional value

2-4. What is self-expression value

3. Branding Success Stories

3-1. Sugiyama Fruit

4. Branding method

4-1. Start from the pursuit of work

Branding Summary

1. With branding

Well, first, I would like to explain "What is branding?"

1-1. Meaning of branding

Branding is literally the "method of becoming a brand".

So, if you want to understand branding, you first need to know what a brand is.

When I hear the word "brand" I remember the friends of the girl who likes "chanel".

Speaking of CHANEL, it is a brand that may have a feeling like, "Why is such a bag costing hundreds of thousands of dollars? How much is it cost?"

Chanel's bag

One time, at one of the stores in Chanel in Paris, he used to buy a bag he had been aiming for a long time.

But when I was heading to the Chanel shop I was looking for, I happened to find a shop selling bags similar to the Chanel bag I was thinking of buying.

She was interested, I went into the shop, I checked the design and content, but it is almost the same as the bag I wanted.

She wondered, when I asked the clerk, the shop's craftsman there was originally a designer from Chanel, and it seems that she was independent and opened this shop.

Well, the design is similar too.

And surprisingly, the price was a tenth of Chanel.

I was originally planning to buy a 300,000 yen bag for Chanel, but the bag sold at this shop was 30,000 yen.

In the sense of ordinary people, I think, "This is a buy!"

Because most of the design and contents are almost the same, and the price is so cheap.

But she did not get lost and bought a bag of 300,000 yen.

At that time, when I wondered, I asked, "Why didn't you buy it?"

"Because I am not Chanel"

What does this mean? In the bag , Chanel is the ultimate value for her .

So, no matter how similar the design is, the price is cheap, the function is perfect, but it doesn't matter.

"I don't like Chanel, I don't like it." Such a state is a brand.

No matter what the design is, what the function is, what the price is, but I will choose.

In other words, a brand is "a state of ultimate value for that person."

"Because this company," "It is you," it means that you are given a choice.

If you can create such a situation in your own business, do not you think it will be the strongest weapon?

Because they choose how high the price is, they will buy it regardless of what product is offered, and it will automatically choose it even if it does not convey much of the goodness of the product.

If you can create this kind of situation, there is no need to become a customer.

For that customer, "I can not find anything other than Chanel," so he will buy it without saying anything, and will always repeat it.

1-2. A big misunderstanding about branding

Frequently spoken in business books and seminars

The word "Branding" began with the branding to identify the cows

There is a big misunderstanding that the explanation of the origin of branding that is produced.

If you consider branding based on this word source, you may be able to define it as "a method that makes a difference with others."

And this kind of easy branding method is rampant.

Let's get your design cool

Let's take a picture with a famous person and give it to Facebook

Let's improve function and quality

Set your target and increase exposure with your ad

Let's raise the price

Ask the voice of the recommendation to the person of authority

Fake branding

But with this, I can not create a brand for a lifetime.

For example, even if you choose "design" for good, it is only for you to choose "design".

If you find something more design than your own, then the customers will flow.

In other words, even if you do such a work, you will not be chosen because it is "this company" or "because you".

Making a difference in design, enhancing quality and function to make a difference, and being selected is only " differentiation. "

Of course, differentiation is important because if you can't differentiate something in this era of excess choice, you will not be chosen, so it's important to differentiate, but above that is branding.

In other words, branding is not chosen by design, price or function alone, but by “this company”, “you”.

2. Three values ​​required for branding

Branding is, in other words, "a way to reach the ultimate in value."

So, in order to do branding first, we need to understand what "value" is.

There are three types of value:

Functional value

Emotional value

Self-expression value

It is what is necessary for branding to improve each of these three values.

Then, first we will explain each value.

2-2. What is functional value

First of all, I would like to talk from functional value.

Functional value is simply the basic value that the product gives.

In terms of images, it is about features and quality.

For example, what is the functional value of a smartphone is "I can call," "I can email," "I can take photos," and "I can see the Internet."

If it's a vacuum cleaner, it's "sucking," and if it's a bakery, it's "the taste of bread."

By raising this, people can choose.

Naturally, there are two high-end Italian restaurants, one with a Michelin-rated rating and the other with an easy-to-select choice.

Simply put, that's the principle.

However, there is an aspect that it is very difficult to differentiate only by functional value.

Because this functional value is naturally something that many peers try to improve.

If it's a cook, it's normal to stick to taste and ingredients, and if it's a designer, it's natural for professionals to enhance their design skills.

You can see that by looking at home appliances. Do you think about the washing machine?

If you bought almost anything in the present age, there is no big difference in what you can do.

I can wash my clothes properly, dehydrate and dry.

Functional differences may have some details, but from the perspective of amateur customers, the differences are mostly unknown.

As the industry advances and matures, the functional value will increase everywhere, so basically there will be no major difference, so it can not be selected by itself.

And, even if you can create unprecedented functional value, the information is readily available, so it's easily imitated.

For example, suppose that a smartphone that "does not need to be charged at all" is released.

This is a highly innovative smartphone, and anyone who uses it will dream of it once.

Probably, if it is sold, it will sell explosively. Because, such a smartphone has not come out yet.

In terms of functional value, it is the best.

However, probably, if employees of other manufacturers buy it and break it down, they know what is going to happen, so similar things will be developed soon.

Then, Uri who "does not need to be charged at all" will not be accepted, and will be involved in the competition again.

That is why it is difficult to brand with just this functional value.

However, I do not want to misunderstand that functional value is the minimum necessary to be chosen.

Even if it is a smartphone, you can't call, you can't mail, if you can't use the Internet, nobody buys it, so it's only natural to have functional value.

2-3. With emotional value

Therefore, it is part of emotional value that becomes important to be selected by customers.

Emotional value is, in a word, empathy .

What constitutes emotional value is





The four elements of

Usually, products and services that are hit in the world are largely due to this emotional value.

2-3-1. What is the concept

First of all, about the concept.

The concept is, in a word, "What is it?"

This concept is exceptionally good, and there is a service that has been a hit, especially with young women.

That is a service called the Shooting Women's Association.

This is to choose your favorite dress from 100 or more dresses, receive makeup and hair set by professional hair makeup, take a picture in the dressed up state, and finally take a girls' party around the sweets It is a service that

Shooting Women's AssociationImage source: http://satsueijoshikai.com/

The shooting women's association was started by Asako Nakamura, a 23-year-old female college student at that time.

At that time, Mr. Nakamura was excited by glutton and walrus talks, and she seemed to get bored with the girls' association, which only had to eat and talk, when the girl's skin was wrinkled.

The service of the shooting women's association started with "Let's make it by yourself if there is no desired women's association".

The concept is "The heroine experience for you".

Such services did not exist before this shooting women's association appeared in the world.

However, I think many young women were getting bored with existing women's meetings as well as Mr. Nakamura.

That is why when this service came out to the world, it was chosen and supported by many women.

To put it simply, it is a concept.

Of course, I think that some women agree with this view of the world, and others are not.

But that's fine. Empathy is at the core of empathy.

It is because, by presenting such a view of the world, it is possible to attract people who resonate with it.

If you don't present a world view, no one will resonate, which is one reason to choose one.

2-3-2. With the story

Then, about the next story.

There is a wedding hall called “Aniverser” that used the story well and succeeded in attracting customers.

Aniversel has released a video called "The Amazing Anniversary Proposal-An Amazing Anniversary".

This video is a documentary video of the bride and groom who made a surprise proposal at the Aniverseel.

This video has been echoed on the Internet and has been played over 2 million times.

In fact, it was effective to watch this video and to say that 83% of the visitors came to Aniverser.

This is, so to speak, I told you the story between Aniversel and the customer.

Seeing this video, those who visited the museum should have thought, "If we also got a wedding here, we can have a wonderful wedding."

The fact that you just want to see this video is an emotional value based on empathy.

2-3-3. What is a character?

Well then, about the character.

This is the part "What kind of person?"

The first thing I can think of in a character is Shinichiro Kawazaki of Marukawa Miso.

For now, please try to play again. Lol

Mr. Kawazaki has been sending out the "Miso Channel" on Youtube, which is related to his company's miso.

I think that you can understand if you play the video, but you can see that this person really has a love for miso. Lol

When I first saw this video, I thought, "If you want to buy miso, I want to buy from this person."

In the world, there may be other companies with higher quality miso, but I would like to buy from this person, even more than that.

Moreover, because characters are a part that others can not imitate, if you can make good use of this, it will be a very big reason to be chosen.

2-3-4. With design

I think it's very easy to understand that design is emotional value.

For example, I think that there is a product that Apple has released, but many people choose this for design reasons.

Apple products

Even if you take one iPhone, what you can do is not much different from other smartphones.

May I call you

I can email

You can use the app

I can take a picture

I can listen to music

But the iPhone is overwhelmingly chosen among such smartphones.

There is even data that "we have more than 75% profit in the global smartphone market".

This is very big by design.

Design is an emotional value because it conveys the world's view visually in an instant and calls for empathy.

2-4. What is self-expression value

In branding, it is a key premise that you need functional and emotional values.

However, just increasing these two values ​​is a differentiation, but it does not reach branding.

As I said earlier, even if you hit temporarily, if you come out with something with a better concept, something with more functionality, something with higher quality, or something with a better design. Because it flows.

In order to become a brand, it is necessary to go one step further and enhance the "self-expression value".

What is "self-expression value" is "the way it is".

If this “style” is extreme, you can build a real brand.

For example, there is a company called "Ina Food Industry".

Ina Food Industry is a company that produces agar, and is a company that has risen to the top of the world as an agar maker with an 80% domestic share and a 15% global share.

Ina foodImage source: http://news.livedoor.com/

In terms of markets, the agar market is a declination industry (slumping right) that tends to shrink completely.

Nevertheless, Ina Food Industry is a miracle-like company that has continued to increase sales and profits for 48 years since its establishment, and has continued to raise employee salaries and bonuses.

It is about that Toyota Akio Toyota President will meet with Mr. Hiroshi Tsukakoshi for the fineness of its management.

Why did you so successfully prosper?

That is the way of management that Ina Food Industry has been doing since its inception.

The business philosophy of Ina Food Industry

Lead generation in MA (Prospective customer acquisition method)

BtoB marketing, especially the creation of business negotiations  from the marketing department to the sales department, acquired promising prospects for the company (lead generation), nurture the prospects acquired ( lead nurture ), prospects with increased buying motivation And pass on to the sales department (lead qualification). 
 Marketing automation tools automate these tasks, but even if you say "automation", it's not the case that the tools do all the work for you. In particular, lead generation, which is the first step in marketing activities, needs to be implemented on a continuous basis, separate from the tools. 
 In this article, we will introduce the know-how to efficiently implement lead generation, which may be called the entrance to BtoB's marketing activities.

Basic prospects acquisition method
 Lead generation (acquisition of prospective customers) is an activity to find and acquire prospective customers who can be targets for purchasing their products and services. Generally speaking, the flow of marketing automation starts from the point where the personal information of prospects acquired by this activity is put into the marketing automation tool. 
 So where and how do you get the key prospects?

3 customer attraction channels you want to curb
Channels for acquiring prospects can be roughly classified into the following three.

Offline marketing activities (events such as exhibitions and seminars)
Online Marketing Activities (Internet, Web)
Business card exchange in sales activities
Let's look at specific methods and know-how for each channel.

1 Earned in offline marketing activities
Representative measures for offline channels are exhibitions and seminars.

Exhibition exhibition
 It is a method that has long been used in BtoB in a way that exhibits company products etc. at an exhibition and acquires business prospects etc. by visiting prospective customers and acquires business prospects information. 
 The exhibition is based on industry-specific themes, so you can interact with the many potential customers of your company. Therefore, based on the premise that totally unrelated people will not arrive, the basic goal is to get as many prospects as possible during the period. It is often used to make small novelties such as ballpoint pens and notepads, get business cards in exchange for novelties, and request acquisition or filling in surveys.

 If you want to know more about attracting customers at the exhibition, please see this article. 
Those who are troubled at the exhibition must see! 【Confidential】 A great open source of tips for gathering potential customers at an exhibition

In-house seminar
 It is a way to hold a seminar on a theme that is likely to be of interest to your prospective customers. The seminar participation fee is set free of charge or at a low price of several tens of thousands of yen, and in exchange for the seminar attendance, the participants will provide information such as company name, name, contact information, etc. You will receive a business card at the entrance of the seminar hall, and you will be asked to write a questionnaire on your way back, and you will be able to collect specific information. 
 If you design a seminar that matches the needs of your prospects, you may be able to get high-quality prospects who are willing to buy. In addition, by actually communicating at the seminar venues, you can expect the effect of enhancing the sense of closeness to your company.

Co-hosted seminar
 This is a method of holding a co-sponsored seminar in collaboration with a company that handles products related to the company and related products. The method of collecting the participant's personal information in exchange for the participation fee of the seminar and the audition is the same as the case of the company seminar. Even if you use the same venue as usual, the goal for attracting customers can be halved if the two companies share it, and you can split the venue cost etc. 
 Also, the business advantage of hosting co-hosted seminars is that they can exchange prospective client information between their own and co-host companies. For example, if Company A, whose main product is Web site production, and Company B, which specializes in SEO measures, it is possible to gather layers interested in Web site creation and layers interested in SEO at the same time. Companies that are considering website creation may be interested in SEO, and there is a possibility that companies interested in SEO may consider website renewal. In this way, it is important to choose a company that can share the benefits of sending each other as a co-sponsor.

 Please refer to this article for seminar planning. 
[Series 1] Planning section of the seminar (Positioning of the seminar, goal setting, how to make the story)-All SATORI over 150 seminar results commentary!

[PR] Do you really understand the point of the MA tool introduction that you can really achieve? 

Participant satisfaction 99%! Popular seminar 
marketing automation "SATORI" introduction seminar that I would like to attend in order not to regret after introduction
2 Earn through online (Internet, Web) marketing activities
 It is a way to transmit information using your own website or SNS, etc., and to obtain information on the prospective customers you have visited. It became active with the spread of the Internet, and now it is used as a very general and important prospect customer acquisition method. 
 Usually, users who only browse websites do not become prospects as they are. This is because it is necessary to have contact information (personal information) such as company name, name, e-mail address, and telephone number in order to be put on the flow of marketing automation as a prospective customer. Therefore, it is necessary to have a device for the visitors to provide personal information. 
 Here are some of the ways in which many companies have actually achieved results.

Provide white papers such as industry information and know-how
 This is a way to create and provide white papers on themes that users who visit your company may be interested in. Make it available for free download from the website, and have the company name, contact person's name, contact e-mail address, etc. enter at the time of download. 
 Because white papers need to be of interest to prospective customers, you should spend some money on their creation. In addition to the fullness of the content, it is necessary to devise a device such as how to put a title that makes you think "I want to read!" If you have a lot of useful articles on your site, it is also effective to reorganize them by theme and provide them. 
 If it is difficult to create in-house, you may want to consider outsourcing to a company that specializes in white paper production.

Hold an online seminar
 This is a method of holding an online seminar that attracts the interest and interest of prospective customers, and the same as in the case of the above-mentioned white paper, in that the applicant's personal information is provided at the time of viewing application. 
 Preparation costs are higher than white papers such as assignment of seminar instructors, preparation of video shooting equipment, and development of a platform for seminar distribution, but those who attend online seminars that take a long time to watch are more likely than white papers It is likely that you will be more interested in your company, and you will be able to attract prospective customers who are willing to buy. You can also record an offline seminar and use it as an online seminar.

Provision of diagnostic content etc.
 Providing content such as "automatic quote form" and "free of charge ● ● diagnosis" is a way to help acquire prospective customer information. Similar to other methods, you are asked to enter personal information in exchange for using content. 
 For companies that handle consulting products, it is effective to provide such content in a position to "show off" some of the main products. For example, if a company whose main product is Web marketing consulting, it is possible to acquire prospective customer information and convey some of the attractiveness of its own service by providing a free website diagnostic service.

Posting to external media (such as lead capture ads)
It is a method of inviting articles to the company site by posting articles in an external media that attracts customers, or posting advertisements with texts and banners in e-mail magazines with many readers. As with exhibitions, you can expect to have contact with many prospective customers by selecting media that is highly compatible with your company. 
In addition, there is also a type of advertisement that acquires information on members of the media as lead information by using the media side mechanism. These ads can also help you reach new prospects that you can not meet on your own site.

3 Business card exchange in sales activities
 Finally, one important channel that is often overlooked, though important, is business card exchange in sales activities. A sales representative contacts many prospective customers every day. The business cards exchanged at that time can also be good prospect information. 
 For example, those who made a new visit but missed due to timing may be very promising prospects for the future. Also, there may be cases where one product is lost but it becomes a prospective customer for another product. 
 It would be ideal if such a prospective customer information could be collected from sales representatives and centrally managed by the marketing department. However, in a system where individual evaluation is determined mainly by sales performance, there are cases where sales representatives do not want to provide "the business cards they have acquired" to the marketing department. 
Therefore, it may be necessary to collect prospects from this channel, with the cooperation of executives and others, through company-wide efforts that assume seamless integration between sales and marketing departments.

▼ This article is also recommended Compare 10 selections of business card management application · software · tools | Price (free) · Features

Lead acquisition method to meet the customer attraction MA
 We have introduced the lead generation channels and specific methods for each channel. So what can we do with marketing automation in this process?

What is the lead acquisition method by MA?
 One of the strengths of the company is the acquisition of prospective customers via the Internet. With MA, in addition to acquiring real-named leads using web forms etc., it is possible to acquire anonymous leads using browser information. For example, in the case of SATORI, a private DMP (data management platform) is built in, so it is necessary to identify the visitor information from the advertisement or external site based on the cookie information of the browser and store it in the database as anonymous lead information. It is possible. As a result, it is possible to manage as a prospective customer a layer that can not acquire personal information such as e-mail address, and to develop marketing measures such as distribution of content according to the behavior history of the website and retargeting advertisement. . Also, if you can put a dedicated measurement tag on another company's site, you can also earn anonymous leads from there. 
 An anonymous lead that has been acquired is fostered using functions that allow the distribution of content according to the state of the lead, etc., and if guidance measures are taken to the inquiry form at an appropriate timing, a real name for which a specific approach is possible It is also possible to convert it into a lead. 
 Of course, personal information acquired in offline and sales activities can also be entered into the MA and linked with the browser to advance the behavior on the Web (reaction history on the website and reaction to measures). It has the advantage of making it possible to follow up measures, considering measures that will increase purchasing motivation, and making it easier to list the targets of the measures.

What are the key points in lead acquisition?
 If you have read this, you may already be aware that all the methods have in common: "provide what the prospective customer wants, and in return receive personal information." It's a good idea for marketers to know how to do this in a smart and not too explicit manner. 
 Similarly, it is important to sift through prospects earned by what you offer. For example, even if a car selling company holds a web marketing seminar, it can not get promising prospects. I would like to keep in mind the "squeezing down" at the planning stage so that you won't get a lead that will never be a customer and disrupt the marketing activities that follow.

The following content is available for those who have trouble finding leads and how to develop them, so please refer to them as well.

Five important point of order not to fail in the marketing automation (MA) transfer

Marketing automation tool (below, MA tool) Have you ever noticed leverage?

"Although I tried to introduce, it was not equipped with the required functionality ..."

"Not meet the budget feeling but a good tool ..."

- I think that some people, which is considered a transfer in circumstances such as.

The transfer of MA tools to efficiently proceed well, there are important points are a few should be holding. The point at which I would like you to note the time of transfer of MA tool in this article, together easy-to-understand and will introduce.

1) method of realizing the measures you want to do is, different settings by each tool

The first point of, are related to grasp the contents of the function of the MA tool means.

Unlike the concept in their respective companies to say that MA tool to bite, also there are differences in features that are installed along with it. Be the same as a function name, it is also unlikely that the ease of use is slightly different.

For example, in the case to switch to integrate from the state in which the use of the sales support tools and MA tool "A" (SFA) "B" to "SATORI", the corresponding status of the function will be as shown in the figure. By individual functions keep track of exactly how are you correspond, it will enable a smooth transition.

First, to determine the measures to be realized from their challenges and purposes, it in order to realize in the tool, which features of the transfer before the tool is let's figure out what to correspond to any function of the post-transfer tool .

It should estimate the number of steps it takes to 2) migration

It also related to the difference of the functions described above, but if you how to hold data in the tool after the transition and pre-migration tool is different, there often can take a long time to data migration before under preparation and the like. After the introduction, it seems that not a few cases that rise was delayed ... been slow to migrate going to start using it immediately.

For example, in "SATORI" is it has a feature called "segment" and "tag", but the concept is not unique. It was used to label the offline behavior such as "tag" primarily "visitors to the seminar" in "SATORI", "segment", as a function of grouping the user in the conditions of such behavior and user attributes on the WEB It has been defined. Concept of saying "tag" or "segment", may vary depending on MA tool. Let's know in advance that it is a high possibility that can not be changed easily put in the export and import. In advance to compare the two of data, you will need data cleansing tasks such as exclusion of the make up and the extra information of the missing information.

Do what information from the tool you are currently using can be output, what kind of information is needed on the destination of the tool on which to organize each, let's estimate in advance the number of steps required for data migration.

3) it should be prepared for initialization of scoring

Scoring for the MA tool is an important data, but the logic is different each in their respective companies. For this reason, it is the majority that can not be migrated scoring information accumulated so far in the transfer destination of the tool. Scoring Let advance recognized that there is a high possibility that would be initialized.

In the pre-migration tool, if there is a customized scoring logic in-house, take a screen shot of the setting screen, it is safe and keep ahead of the information in the form of O'have and leave as a memo.

4) takeover period, does not stop the measures by maintaining both of contract

If you make the transition of MA tool currently in operation, it is important to consider that you do not Shimawa stop the hand of operation. And that the tool can not be used it would stop the measures because, there is a significant risk of affecting business during that period.

Ideally, during the transition period, such as by double contract the old tools / new tool, it is where you want the device that does not stop the measures.

For information about how much should be the period double contract, it is the impression that you can rest assured and do not say unconditionally with the grace of about two months. A certain degree of effort estimation from the amount of data such as that managed by the current tool is possible, by, for example, trouble unexpected try to undertake emergency work occurs, what not a few may not proceed to estimate exactly.

I think whether budgetary concern, but which, let's estimate the preparation period with a margin to the extent possible.

5) confirmation of the contract period

Finally, it is also surprisingly important point to know the optimal contract period of the source tool.

For example, if the minimum contract period is trying to terminate one year of tool in less than a year, in most cases the penalty will occur. If it is or turns out you can not cancel the old tool after you have decided to introduce a new tool eye does not devoted.

Before deciding the introduction time of the destination tool, let's again review for sure contract of pre-migration tool.


Success in the MA transfer! The measures "Senshudengyo" went?

Here, let's introduce the MA and the transfer of the tool to success "Senshudengyo" like cases.

Electric facility is a Senshudengyo like that engaged in the sale of materials, was Irasshai working on content marketing for the purpose of providing information to new customers and existing customers. Of course MA tools have been introduced, but "to approach customers in a more just timing, want to connect to the improvement of customer satisfaction" from the feeling that, has been started to consider the transfer of MA tool. It is SATORI that went up as a candidate for the destination tool at that time.

The case moves to the success has been Senshudengyo like safe tool through the support of the support team of SATORI, please have a look at the following page.

The aim of customer satisfaction up, select the MA tool review as a foundation construction to enhance the value of its own


In the present article we have been promoting a story to focus on MA the transfer point of the tool "work" and "function", above all to be important in the tool migration, to clarify the "Why you need is to to switch." thing. Currently, there are any problems, to set the milestone from the migration In recognition everyone involved how you want to solve it by the transfer of MA to resuming operations, to achieve in a short period of time the "small success" it is important.

In addition, the new tool at the time of the introduction of the thing that use the surprising effort in a variety of start-up preparatory work that was including the initial setting. Since it is possible that only its members will not be doing such a work, support system of providing the companies of the destination tool it will also be an important point. What kind of support of is received during the transition, let's examine in advance that such as whether the content such as online help and Getting Started guide are substantial. In addition, also the range of free support and paid support Let's take a look at.

A white paper that summarizes the points that should be holding everyone involved in order not to fail in the introduction of MA tool, it guides you in the following pages. Please read by all means to be downloaded here.


Practical communication scenario commentary (2nd): "single-lens reflex camera potential customers coupon program."

"Useful from today! ~ Practical communication scenario created sheet" sample scenario describes the second time I will explain the "single-lens reflex camera potential customers coupon program".

We picked up a "single-lens reflex camera" as a product to pick up. Because of the relatively expensive, also feel that I want you to look at the product information, it is a commodity it is difficult to determine the purchase on the spot. This coupon program has the effect to "boost the purchase decision" of difficult products so the "impulse buy".

So, we tried to assemble a "'re wondering will kana? And buy" communication scenario for customers of such a latent state.

This prerequisite is the following two points.

- (it does not matter service) product web site side has been published. 

- that settled in online can be completed if possible


Let's say.


<Measures point of>

Marketing initiatives that have been personalized in the Web, your contact information (name, e-mail address, phone number, etc.) from the acquisition of the that is the start is common. Did not get the contact information, the "I do not know who he is" state of the customers in   https://home.gamer.com.tw/kianio  marketing terms, anonymous read : is called the (Anonymous anonymous).

For this "I do not know who he is" state of the customers (anonymous read), that are frequently visited for a period of time to see the access analysis tool is the is seen, therefore it is anonymous, browsing of individuals marketing measures based on the behavior was a difficult man who beat.

You can approach this people is the technology of CXM (Customer Experience Management), such as "HeartCore CXM". By using the CXM, Cookie information possessed by the user to grasp the number of views to the site to the key it will be possible not to put out the best content.

To classify what people from the Cookie information

Not only visit to the site, (Taking as an example the camera, "was browsing the pages of specifications and specifications," such as "to view the page of the exhibition event") by viewing situation specific content page out of a combination of since it is also possible to divided, so far had gotten away without having to purchase anonymous lead against, is not the provision of information such as the last boost to pin point it becomes possible.

In this example, we have a scenario in which to issue a limited discount coupon only to users who meet certain conditions. It would be may be a discount coupon that can be used to issue the day if the EC site, will not may be as store-induced type of coupon if the company you have a store of real. However, as a condition of the coupon issue, please do not forget to get the contact information such as e-mail address or your name.

<  The first time to "financial instruments (such as loans and insurance) document request's follow-up program."

"Customer diversification" era of marketing

The marketing "your understanding" is the basic premise
To do the "creation mechanism that products and services are chosen, sell", to purchase and choose the products and services the major premise is to understand the customers will be. And customer structure analysis based on the customer DB, data analysis, which is accumulated in the house, such as purchasing data access log, through market analysis, such as "3C analysis", it will need to capture the customer's issues and needs. Of course, since these data are merely "a result of your behavior" is the center of the data, for the "what if? What can promote such behavior" "Why? The took such action", if you do not build a marketing hypothesis in the customer's point of view, we believe that it is difficult to make the products and services (which want to buy customers) sell-chosen works.

"Customer diversification" era of marketing
Even though your understanding, does not so simple. Even demographic attributes such as gender, age, place of residence is the same, customers' face unique challenges and values and needs is each person. Let alone, Internet penetration and an increase in the user terminal, in response to the flow of globalization, in the modern "customer diversification" is accelerating, even if the caller the same message to the entire customers with mass advertising, such as television and newspapers, expected to obtain the reaction and is difficult, to include marketing results, "our customers to optimize the approach" it is becoming essential.

In the "customer optimization and marketing", or increase if the results and approach to the "individual customers" (strategy) in addition to, optimization of providing information tailored to the interests and behavior of individual customers (Creative) , number environment (technology) that enables the customer support is necessary, marketing of the "strategy and Creative technology" Trinity I think we are being sought.

Toward the "customer optimization marketing" practices
That customers have diversified is as described above, but also by your stage, your interests and feel value (benefits), such as information contact attitude and behavior motivation is different. In order to increase the marketing success, because the is possible to migrate the customers of each stage to the next stage is required, "marketing funnel" provided to each customer stage to take advantage of, what kind of value in any approach how to, how to identify high-estimated the degree of our customers, if you give a stimulus to our customers at any time, any way, any way, such as whether it is possible to arouse customer behavior, marketing communications ( It will be required to carefully consider and design the whole frame of the content and frequency, timing, etc.).

Changing the marketing approach for each customer per-customer stage, there is a limit to the human counterpart, but the utilization and marketing technology, if you can design a marketing entire frame based on the marketing funnel, optimized efficiently and effectively to customers consider the marketing or expansion is not made possible.

Will What is a "customer to optimized marketing" for everyone? What is by all means consider this opportunity to invite you?